Snake Bite Header

Sinister Serpent of Speed

Snake Bite

The Master of Mayhem! The Rattling Rival!

Hailing from Cobra Creek, CO. Snake Bite was the first 3D Custom Body Monster Truck. Originally piloted by Colt Cobra, that honor has since been passed down to his niece and nephew, Suzy Serpent & Vinny Venom.

Over the years it’s earned the reputation of being a brutal competitor, winning the Toughest Monster Truck Tour in 2017.

Playing as Snake Bite

Die-Cut Double-Sided Player Board, 10 Card Style Deck, & Plastic Snake Bite Mini

Rally Style: Racing & Crushing
SnakeBite Style Cards
SnakeBite Player Board: Front and Back.
SnakeBite Truck Miniature

Monster Moments

Using real world inspiration for terrific tabletop tales!


On the Prowl

Snakebite on the prowl, chasing it's old nemesis, BIGFOOT
Lafayette, Louisana - 2018



The Serpent of Speed. The Master of Mayhem.

Bigfoot #1 Sick Trick Card

Vintage monster matchup:

Snake Bite vs BIGFOOT
Anderson, South Carolina - 1997

Need more to see more Snake Bite video?

BIGFOOT 4x4x4 on YouTube

The Monster Trucks

Check out all 6 of the competitors in BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash & the MODS Expansion